Actie Palliatieve Zorg
The Last Story
Palliative care remains a political taboo. Despite growing demand, funding lags behind. So we launched an informative, community-powered campaign to urge politicians to support palliative care. Because everyone deserves the right to die with dignity, surrounded by loved ones.
With compassion at the core, we achieved impactful results:
Activated influential community insiders for a social cause.
Reached thousands of people with a very limited budget.
Encouraged 4.000+ landing page petition sign-ups.
Harnessing the power of people for good.
TV Spot
Social Media Campaign
Client: Ruth Raes, Actie Palliatieve Zorg
Brand & Creative Strategy: Maarten Van Herck, Lode Vochten & Karel Vinck
Design Lead: Lode Vochten
Data lead: Oliver Wolfs
Production Lead: Jeroen Depraetere
Web Design: Jack Schneider